Sunday, May 5, 2013


Cat was very good at what she did. She fit right in with my family, which is very hard to do. She would come with me to my weekly visits to my grandparents house, talk to my parents on the phone. If you didn't know any better, you would think she was my sister. Until one day......

Cat and I had been at each others throats for weeks. The petty nick picking about the littlest things became a daily routine. Even though we had an apartment together, we drifted quickly apart. Mind you, I've never lived with anyone before so I'm still new to this whole roommate thing.

Well, it finally got to the point that we were not going to renew our lease. I came home from school one day and there was a voice mail (yes we actually had a house phone back then). The voice mail stated that they were calling to verify the cancellation of phone services...Ummm, what? Cancellation of services....did she just cancel the phone on me? Oh My God! Well I can do one better. The electricity was in my name so I called and set up a cancellation date for the lights. AND, I'm leaving the phone off the hook so she can't use it. Ok, so I pretend to have big britches but I'm still a scaredy cat. I called Quinton to come over before I took the phone off the hook. He said he'd be right over. You know, sometimes the hints are right in front of you and you still chose to ignore them. Quinton didn't make it to the apartment until the middle of the night. I called him when I got out of school at 3pm. You do the math. Signs, read the signs. Anyways, Cat came home as I was talking to my grandparents about how evil she had become. Cat jumped in on the other phone and began to tell her side of the story. WHO DOES THAT? Not only that but I came to find out later that Cat also called my parents and the sad part is that my mother took her side.

So, after I hung up the phone with my grandparents, I raced out of my room where Cat was standing. I walked into the kitchen and asked her what the hell was going on. I don't remember exactly what she said because I blacked out. All I remember hearing was her screaming, "You're the DEVIL!" I snapped. I lunged at her and started pulling and twisting anything I could grab. My heart was racing out of control. There was no one there to stop us or pull us off each other. But somehow the fight ended. I walked to my room, and immediately placed my hamper in front of my door thinking that would stop her from entering my room while I was sleep. I called Quinton again but of course he didn't answer. I was so pissed but more so hurt that this girl I let come into my world, meet my family, and lived with betrayed me the way she did. AND she called me the devil. How dare she. I moved out the next day. I didn't care that the lease wasn't up. I needed to be away from this evil roommate. And now you know about my one and only physical fight. 

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