Sunday, March 31, 2013

Where It All Started

November 2000
I walked into a small office on the 11th floor. The room was full of people. I quickly scanned the room and knew that I was better than everyone else in the room. I sat down and clinched my purse close to my side. I look to my left and see this guy. He's light skinned (which I liked) but he has these gold rimmed glasses on. GHETTO!! were the words that shouted from my head. This guy had some nerves. He was going around the room asking the other people if they were there for training and if they had any kids. He gets to me and I say my name and that I don't have any kids. Finally the trainer comes out and tells us to follow. Mr. Miller introduces himself to the group and welcomed us to Risk Management Alternatives. This was my first big girl job making big girl bucks and I'm excited. Everyone looks around the room because they have name plates where we are supposed to sit. Well, you already know who I was sitting next to...the guy with the gold rimmed glasses. He introduces himself as Quinton. 

The training lasted an entire week. Time flew by so quickly. I warmed up to Quinton and he had me rolling the entire time. The guy is crazy. He had nicknamed everyone in the class and was doing impersonations of the trainer. By Friday, Quinton asked me for my number. I didn't hesitate to give it to him. 

Later on that night, I was taking a bath and the house phone rang. My roommate Cat answered the phone. Having known the whole story, Cat came into the bathroom and sat on the toilet in anticipation as I talked with Quinton or the first time outside of work. He asked me if I would like to come over to his house. I said sure even though all of my insides were jumping. 

I got to Quinton's house and immediately felt out of place. I should have known what I was getting into then but I didn't heed the warning signs. I walked into the door and smelled a peculiar smell. Something I had never smelled before. There was green stuff all over the counters and a GUN!!! A real gun was on the counter. I had never seen or been that close to a real gun before. My heart was beating out of my chest. Quinton came out and introduced me to his friend they called Snake, a chick named Sarafina and his cousin Roger. They were rapping over some beat and I thought they were hilarious. Suddenly, they all got hungry and asked if I would like to join them as they went to grab something to eat. I said sure!!! I mean what was I thinking? These people had guns!!!! So I got inside this big black SUV as we drove up the street to a Chili's. We sat down to order but I didn't bring any money. I played it off and said that I had already eaten and that I just wanted some water (knowing my stomach was eating off itself). We left the restaurant and headed back to the apartment. Quinton and I talked some more. He seemed to know exactly what to say and to me he was saying all the right things. He said so many right things that I ended up sleeping with him that night.

And that's how it all started......